is the pioneer in bringing the
book industry into the 21st Century, by bringing print to
life. Your printed copy combined with the video
description provides an added dimension which gives
book readers more perspective and more reasons to
purchase your book.
We also started to give Authors a
good platform in which they can have an equal chance
to compete and sell their books.
Book sellers may try any of the following in their video:
be descriptive, dramatic, humorous, mysterious, or
imaginative as you need to be - read excerpts, use
special effects, use your music, free music/free video
clips/free images(see our "Make Video" page) in order
to best describe your book. You know your budget. expects that each video adheres
to common decency.  Book buyers can now get a
better visualization and feel for books they are
considering for purchase than they previously had
under outdated purchasing methods.
Enjoy the Experience!

Jay Team

All videos or pictures submitted for posting to this website
must be free of any terroristic threats, hatred terms or any
other hate words against any racial group, ethnicity, gender
or any group regardless of sexual orientation. All such videos
and pictures will be removed immediately when discovered
during normal and customary sample reviews.

All submitted videos and attachments should be safe for
upload and will be screened to determine if such attachment
files and links are reasonably safe to be uploaded to the
website. In doing so, there will be a delay from the time of
your submission to actual listing on the
website. If you submit a paymen or not submitt a payment,
the clock does not start on your listing until the actual day of
being listed.

Terms of Use is a website owned and operated by ME
Ventures LLC. By using the email service or
website in any manner, you accept and agree to be bound by these
Terms of Use. reserves the right to modify its
Services or Terms of Use at its sole discretion. The most current
version of the Terms of Use supersedes all previous versions. Any
party submitting videos, pictures, images, links or other book content
represents and warrants that they are the copyright owner or are
authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner for such content and
all such submitted content remains in ownership of the owner and ME
Ventures LLC d/b/a does not have any
ownership of such submitted content by any party. Further, submission
of this content will not infringe any rights of any party,  including but not
limited to any Intellectual Property Rights, privacy rights and rights of
publicity. By continuing to use the website or
services after changes are made to it and its terms of use, you agree
to be bound by any such changes. If these terms are not acceptable to
you, please do not use the services or website.
Privacy Policy
Any personally identifiable information you provide to is held with the highest professional care and
security, and will not be used in ways to which you have not consented
to. We will not release your personal information or email address to
any other party, unless required to by law. is
compliant with the Federal CAN-SPAM Act regarding the regulation of
email delivery; any outside vendors, consultants or agents that may be
used will also adhere to this law. We reserve the right to modify our
privacy policy at any time.

ME Ventures LLC d/b/a is not responsible for any
damages, harm, injury or death to humans or animals resulting from the use
of publishers’, printers’, authors’, manufacturers’, suppliers’, distributors’,
wholesalers’, agents’ or any other entities’ books/ebooks/products, their
videos, links, websites or information on their websites.

ME Ventures LLC d/b/a is not responsible for any
damages to property and animals resulting from the use of publishers’,
printers’, authors’, manufacturers’, suppliers’, distributors’, wholesalers’,
agents’ or any other entities’ books/ebooks/products, their videos, links,
websites or information on their websites.
ME Ventures LLC d/b/a is not responsible for any
damages, harm, injury or death resulting from the use of this website, its
website links, email, services or services of others linked to/from this website,
including but not limited to authors, publishers, retailers, book sellers, agents,
videographers, film makers, photographers and any other related party. ME
Ventures LLC d/b/a is not in the business of being a
publisher, printer, manufacturer or book seller; ME Ventures LLC d/b/a utilizes the internet and its available sharing functions
and sources as a method of connecting book sellers with book buyers, and as
such, is not responsible for any content contained in authors’ and publishers’
books/ebooks/products, videos, their links or websites. ME Ventures LLC d/b/a does not provide quality reviews of
books/ebooks/products, does not warranty nor guarantee their quality and
performance of their content. Any content submitted for publication on the site may be edited or blocked by at its sole and absolute discretion, for any
reason or no reason. We do not regularly review the content posted on
the website; however, we reserve the right to
reject, remove or edit such content at anytime without notice.
Inappropriate language (including but not limited to pornographic
language, racist or hate speech, abusive language, etc.) will not be

Thank You For Your Interest in!